Complex number with overloaded operators
Complex number defined as a record containing real and imaginary part, utilizing operator overloading.
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Name | Description |
re | Real part of complex number |
im | Imaginary part of complex number |
Name | Description |
'constructor' | Constructor |
'0' | Zero-element of addition (= Complex(0)) |
'-' | Unary and binary minus |
'*' | Multiplication |
'+' | Add two complex numbers |
'/' | Divide two complex numbers |
'^' | Complex power of complex number |
'==' | Test whether two complex numbers are identical |
'<>' | Test whether two complex numbers are not identical |
'String' | Transform Complex number into a String representation |
Here the constructor operator(s) is/are defined.
Name | Description |
fromReal | Construct Complex from Real |
Construct Complex from Real
This function returns a Complex number defined by real part re and optional imaginary part im (default=0).
Name | Description |
re | Real part of complex number |
im | Imaginary part of complex number |
Name | Description |
result | Complex number |
Zero-element of addition (= Complex(0))
This function returns the zero-element of Complex, that is, Complex(0) = 0 + j*0.
Name | Description |
result | Complex(0) |
Unary and binary minus
Here the unary and binary minus operator(s) is/are defined.
Name | Description |
negate | Unary minus (multiply complex number by -1) |
subtract | Subtract two complex numbers |
Unary minus (multiply complex number by -1)
This function returns the binary minus of the given Complex number.
Name | Description |
c1 | Complex number |
Name | Description |
c2 | = -c1 |
Subtract two complex numbers
This function returns the difference of two given Complex numbers.
Name | Description |
c1 | Complex number 1 |
c2 | Complex number 2 |
Name | Description |
c3 | = c1 - c2 |
Here the multiplication operator(s) is/are defined.
Name | Description |
multiply | Multiply two complex numbers |
scalarProduct | Scalar product c1*c2 of two complex vectors |
Multiply two complex numbers
This function returns the product of two given Complex numbers.
Name | Description |
c1 | Complex number 1 |
c2 | Complex number 2 |
Name | Description |
c3 | = c1*c2 |
Scalar product c1*c2 of two complex vectors
This function returns the scalar product of two given arrays of Complex numbers.
Name | Description |
c1[:] | Vector of Complex numbers 1 |
c2[size(c1, 1)] | Vector of Complex numbers 2 |
Name | Description |
c3 | = c1*c2 |
Add two complex numbers
This function returns the sum of two given Complex numbers.
Name | Description |
c1 | Complex number 1 |
c2 | Complex number 2 |
Name | Description |
c3 | = c1 + c2 |
Divide two complex numbers
This function returns the quotient of two given Complex numbers.
Name | Description |
c1 | Complex number 1 |
c2 | Complex number 2 |
Name | Description |
c3 | = c1/c2 |
Complex power of complex number
This function returns the given Complex numbers c1 to the power of the Complex number c2.
Name | Description |
c1 | Complex number |
c2 | Complex exponent |
Name | Description |
c3 | = c1^c2 |
Test whether two complex numbers are identical
This function tests whether two given Complex numbers are equal.
Name | Description |
c1 | Complex number 1 |
c2 | Complex number 2 |
Name | Description |
result | c1 == c2 |
Test whether two complex numbers are not identical
This function tests whether two given Complex numbers are not equal.
Name | Description |
c1 | Complex number 1 |
c2 | Complex number 2 |
Name | Description |
result | c1 <> c2 |
Transform Complex number into a String representation
This function converts a given Complex number to String representation.
Name | Description |
c | Complex number to be transformed in a String representation |
name | Name of variable representing sqrt(-1) in the string |
significantDigits | Number of significant digits that are shown |
Name | Description |
s |